You’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, and while Valentine’s Day is an annual event, it’s a day for more personal celebrations. But that doesn’t mean you can’t use this reminder to show a little LOVE to your work relationships too!
Work Relationships That You Might Want to Show a Little LOVE
So there are some obvious work relationships…
- Business Partners
- Employees
- Customers
And in addition some not so obvious work relationships…
- People that consistently throw business your way.
- Vendors whose service is crucial to yours.
- Anyone who makes your life easier on a regular basis.
Practical Ideas For Every Work Relationship
As you may know, a physical gift can be tricky for work relationships. You definitely want to avoid giving anyone creepy vibes. You never want to imply that there are romantic feelings or a desire for a more personal relationship on your part. So here are some easy ways to show a little LOVE to any work relationship…
Acknowledge Your Business Partners, Priority Work Relationships
So a simple, meaningful gift is appropriate for a long-term business partner. If you’ve gone into business with this person, you’ve already established a personal relationship.
Something small that shows you pay attention and really care about them can mean all the world to someone that we usually take for granted.
Maybe something they’ve even mentioned they need or want, but for whatever reason, they just haven’t had the time or inclination to purchase? A simple bag of their favorite craft coffee beans shows you pay attention and care about their feelings even beyond your work relationships.
Perhaps, take an item off of their To-Do List. If you’d rather not spend any money, this one is an easy way to show a little LOVE! There isn’t a business partner out there that doesn’t have a To-Do List a mile long. So taking one of those items off is a really lovely gesture. By the way, it doesn’t even have to be business-related!
Another option, make them take an afternoon off. Or a whole day!
Put it on the calendar, and make it happen. Coordinate with everyone in the office that you’re handling everything for that one afternoon.
Everything else can wait. There isn’t a person in the world that is indispensable for an afternoon, no matter how much they feel like they are!
Build Work Relationships With Your Employees
Why not tell everyone to go home an hour early so they can get ready for their own personal celebrations on Valentine’s Day or any other special day or holiday.
Along with a “Thanks for all your hard work every day. I appreciate all of you.” This sends the message that you value your work relationships.
Furthermore, it’s also a gift every employee can enjoy whether they’re celebrating or not.

Allie @acreativegangster Photo via Unsplash
Why Not A Gift Card? Especially if you have minimum wage type employees, these can be very much appreciated. Try to pick someplace that is practical, yet potentially a huge treat (like a gift card for the pricey coffee shop next door).
Additionally, score bonus points if you can help out a neighboring small business in the process! Always try to look for ways to build those work relationships (and yes, business neighbors count).
Bring in a treat. If you have a small office, you likely know what type of things your employees like to eat or if they have any dietary restrictions.
(If you don’t, please read the other post in our Work Relationships series, Small Gestures, Big Results: Simple Teamwork Tips for how to get to know your team better).
So if they’re always talking about the amazing handcrafted macarons from the patisserie down the street, order some the day before and pick them up in the morning to bring to work. A perfect example of small gestures producing big results.
Ever consider a “freebie because you’re fabulous?”
Yes, it’s a little corny but a quiet freebie on a certain day to your best customers will always be remembered.
Reward their loyalty. If you’re an ice cream or coffee shop, this method is especially simple.
Stop by with a treat. If your customer is another business, stopping in unexpectedly with a box of beautiful and delicious cupcakes and no other motive than to say “Thanks for being a great customer!” will make them feel appreciated.
It doesn’t have to be food either – could be flowers or a plant that would look nice in their lobby. If they’re an out of town customer skip the stop by and order something to be delivered.
Donate to a charity that is meaningful to them on their behalf. You have to be careful not to give the wrong impression to customers when showing a little LOVE. You don’t want them to think you’re bribing them in any way, but your rock-solid tried and true customer base needs to be nurtured too. A donation in support of a meaningful charity could be a unique approach.
We spoke up above about other people that you might want to show a little LOVE. Those that you might normally forget about. Anyone who indirectly makes your life better/easier will appreciate a simple call/email/thank you note, or any one of the other suggestions listed above. Just the fact that you went a little bit out of your way to say thanks will go a long way.
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