A Debut Post On California Wildfires?
Savvy Cali Girl is a blog about all things California. This wasn’t supposed to be our debut blog post, but as we were researching and writing, the latest round of California wildfires erupted. We began to see places, businesses, and things we were writing about impacted. California wildfires are our new normal. Our hearts are heavy. Writing is our therapy. This post is a collaboration of all of our voices…
For Extensive Evacuation Preparation
We have since updated information regarding wildfires with a special emphasis on preparation. The latest post has very specific steps to take if you are visiting or are living in a wildfire region or plan to in the future.
Sunny Seventy
In California, we may have a “sunny and seventy” reputation, but we increasingly face a different reality. Each Fall with more frequent regularity, wildfire strikes the hearts of our people and towns. Even as we race to help those affected in any way possible, we’re keeping an eye on emergency notification accounts on our phones, double-checking our “go-bags”, and reminding kids about family evacuation plans as they walk out the door to school in the morning.

Disaster Prep
We ready our homes by cutting back brush. It’s critical to create a defensible space. We plant greenery that retains water instead of plants that become tinder fuel. it’s important to keep extra portable chargers at the ready, fill generators with fuel, and stock up on batteries.
The power companies turn off power in these conditions to lessen the chance of sparks from power lines but many need power to pump water out of their wells. Cell towers need power to operate. Businesses and schools become refuges for those cut off from water and information.
Fire Does Not Discriminate
Fire can strike anywhere so it’s not just the foothills of eastern California but major cities and coasts where hillsides catch a spark and fires spread instantly. Make plans on how to quickly evacuate family, animals and cherished possessions at a moment’s notice whether you reside in an apartment, hillside retreat, or a beach cottage. Wildfires care not about the size or quality of your home.
We live in the land of red flag warnings. Where humidity drops and winds gust to over 100 mph. In California, we can smell the difference between the smoke of a grill and that of a California wildfire. We can tell by the color of the smoke whether firefighters are winning or losing, whether it is a structure fire or a brush fire.
Our New Normal
We’ve learned to check in with family and friends and open up our homes to those displaced. We’ve learned we may leave a wonderful home and community during an evacuation with no idea if it will be there that evening or the next day.
Fire can strike one home and not another so neighborhoods are often dissected, leaving gaping holes on suburban streets – and that is considered lucky. The Paradise fire last year wiped out an entire town, just wiped it off the face of the earth. Destroyed a place called Paradise.

We’re now familiar with terms like super fire tornados. We know that burned out hillsides become massive mudslides a few months later. Unlike people, fire does not discriminate. Anyone can lose everything.
This is our new normal. Like guns in schools, metal detectors in airports, hurricanes that wipe out entire islands, and winter storms that wreak havoc across the country, this is what Fall will bring to California from now on. This is what it means to be a Californian.
While we would have wanted to kick off our venture with amazing scenery and cute shops, these fires continue to sweep across vast swaths of pristine hills and neighborhoods. Our hearts go out to those fleeing the danger and pray for the brave men and women battling the ever-changing fronts of California wildfires.