Why do I need to do a Social Media Clean Up??? We know. You already have a million and one items on your To-Do list. But honestly, you need to do this.
Just carve out an hour or two and start checking the items off your list. You’ll start the new year ready to slay those goals without the lingering, nagging voice in the back of your mind whispering “you know you need to fix this…”

Just Get Started On A Social Media Clean Up
We took some very good advice when we first began. “Don’t wait for perfection, just START!”
We did it, and Savvy Cali Girl was born late 2019. Just a baby! We’re growing and learning every day, and we sure haven’t done everything perfectly.
Learning how to use social media in a business setting has been a time consuming, and often overwhelming experience (there MAY have been some tears if we’re honest).
Since we’re small, we decided to limit our strategy to three platforms – Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.
We jumped right into all three, making notes and emergency adjustments along the way.
We made mistakes and learned a lot about what NOT to do, but finding the time to correct those mistakes always seems to be difficult. Sound familiar?
Please don’t beat yourself up about what you did wrong. Almost everything is fixable. Just don’t ignore it and hope eventually fixes itself though!
The start of a new year is the perfect opportunity to do some social media clean up. Are you ready to learn from our mistakes?
We’re going to do this together… Here’s how to do a Social Media Clean-Up and start each year with a fresh slate.
Housekeeping Tasks With Instagram
1. Review Your Profile
It bears repeating…review your profile! Is all of your information up to date? New logo? New address? Is the description still reflective of what you do?
2. Archive Old Stories
At the close of the year, you should have a fairly good idea of stories that have done well in the past.
Use this opportunity to take notes on your best performers. When you go to set goals in the new year, you’ll be ready to map out a strategy for what types of stories your followers engage with and discontinue the ones that had had little interaction.
Pay attention to the overall look and feel of your feed. Archive posts that don’t curate well or are out of date. Remove those with low engagement.
At the end of that process, your gallery should have an overall look that showcases your brand and messaging. Now you’ll make a great first impression for those deciding whether or not to follow!
An Instagram Marketing Refresh Is A Social Media Clean Up Must
Are you using Instagram effectively? Do you need to set aside some to learn how to use Stories or Videos?
Are your go-to hashtags just not cutting it? Review them and find a few new hashtags. Maybe in a niche you hadn’t focused on yet?
Feel free to follow Savvy Cali Girl on Instagram and let us know when you pop in if you found us via this post. We’ll give you a follow back and answer any questions you have.
Housekeeping Tasks for Pinterest
1. Review Your Pinterest Profile
As a matter of general housekeeping take a hard look at your profile. Is all of your information up to date? New logo? New address?
2. All Your Boards Need a Thorough Review
Do you still have the right boards for you? Will the board names/descriptions make sense in 2020? Are your hashtags in each of your board’s descriptions and have you checked them lately?
3. Review Pins & Archive if Necessary
Pinterest doesn’t like when you have pins in boards that don’t make sense. Scan each board to make sure the pins on that board match the board title. Delete or edit mismatched pins.
Long pins? Delete them. Bad quality pins? Delete them. The goal is to have your boards filled with the highest quality content from reputable sources.
4. Assess Who You’re Following on Pinterest
Be picky. Delete anyone whose content is not the quality you aspire to or isn’t in your market.

Pinterest Marketing Refresh Questions For A Social Media Clean Up
- Do you have content that could be recycled on Pinterest if you had a new pin image?
- Identify which content is still fresh and relevant and make new pin graphics for each one, then add to your content calendar. (Hint: this also gives you more of your own pins to pin and helps achieve your goal of only pinning your own stuff. It also gives you data on what type of graphics appeal to your followers)
- Have you validated your pins? Is that possible with your website platform?
- Do you need to set aside some time to learn how to do video pins or use Tailwind? What else should you be aware of in the future?
Feel free to follow Savvy Cali Girl on Pinterest and let us know when you pop in if you found us via this post. We’ll give you a follow back and answer any questions you have.
Housekeeping Tasks on Twitter
1. Fine Tune Your Twitter Profile
By now you know the basics of keeping your profile up to date. Is all of your information correct? New logo? New address? Is the description still reflective of what you do? Changing the banner image may also be smart.
Make sure your profile is dynamic enough for Twitter but still reflective of your brand.
You have to grab the attention of a potential follower in a few seconds. Include a few key hashtags, especially if you identify with a community you want to attract.
Whether you are a blogger, small business, author or expert in your industry, always indicate your interests in the description, hashtags or even the icons of your profile.
2. Review Your Following
In addition, review those accounts you follow.
Inactive? Unfollow. Not following back? Unfollow. Bot-looking, spamming with buy ads, or just don’t like their content? Unfollow.
On the other hand, certain sharing types of accounts may not follow you back initially. That’s okay. They exist to promote not only their work but those of others. This embedded tweet embodies the spirit of community and sharing.
You’ll be glad you performed a social media clean up of your Following list if you hit 5,000 Followers. Twitter kicks in a ratio of Following versus Followers that will limit your ability to follow new accounts if it is out of whack.
To share your life & voice takes a lot of heart & strength. Know that you are loved & respected for this. But also be sure to share that love & respect with others who are doing the same! pic.twitter.com/mkedTQCbes
— BlogLove (@bloglove2018) January 21, 2018
3. Optimize Your Pinned Tweet
Do you have a pinned tweet? Importantly, if you’re using Twitter to drive traffic to a website or blog, a pinned tweet is huge!
The pinned tweet sits just below your profile and is dynamic – meaning it can be shared, liked and create traffic even when you’re away from your account.
Consequently, this a valuable cross-promotional tool. There are Twitter “Threads” where people volunteer to share each other’s “Pinned” Tweets. You want to be ready when these free marketing opportunities show up.
Short List Of Pinned Tweet Specs
- The pinned tweet should be a list of direct links and a short summary of who you are and what you do. Presumably, it’s a variation of your marketing tagline.
- Our links include our blog page, our Pinterest profile and boards, and our Instagram page. Adding the icons breaks up the text and is far more stylish than a bullet point.
- Include a picture that is representative of your overall brand and messaging.
- Overlay your logo if you have one.
Include a couple of timeless, wide scope hashtags.
A Twitter Social Media Clean Up Is A Marketing Refresh Opportunity
In addition, read up on market research or trends to expect in 2020. Do you know which trends work with your brand? Do you know how to capitalize on those trends? Give Savvy Cali Girl a follow on Twitter to get to know us, engage with our followers and see some of these ideas in action.
Our Pinterest boards are a great place to do this kind of research. If you find helpful information, make sure you pin it to an appropriate Pinterest board. You’ll get research and pinning done at the same time!
Why A Social Media Clean Up Is Just A Matter Of Progress
In conclusion, we are big fans of intention. We believe if you identify what you want, actively pursue it & truly believe it will happen and are grateful every time you recognize it showing up in your life, you will quite literally change your life with your thoughts.
As a group, we adopted a different approach beyond goals, resolutions or even the daily grind of tasks.
Finally, at Savvy Cali Girl, we believe in this approach so much that we, as a group, adopted it as collective theme word …“Progress”.
Read up on why in our post, Why You Should Ditch The New Years Resolution in 2020 for more details on the how and why of this approach.
I’m unto cleaning up my socials after this! Thank you!
Glad to help! We’ll have some specific blogging tips help in a few weeks too.
A review periodically really does help anyone stay on track or even adjust along the way. So glad you found it useful!!